Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hello 2013!


Happy New Year!  It is hard to believe another year has passed.  I feel good about the accomplishments I have made in my reading, writing, and teaching.  I haven't made any New Year's resolutions for several years now.  They seem to always get broken or not even started.  But this year I do want to acknowledge the work that I hope to do.  So, I am making goals in reading, writing, and teaching.  I know that I will not be perfect in reaching these goals, but I will do my best.  I read Anne Lamott's book Bird by Bird a few months ago.  I love the story she tells about her brother procrastinating in completing his report on birds.  The night before it was due he was very upset with the daunting task at hand.  Their father said, "Bird by bird, buddy.  Just take it bird by bird."  I have used this line in my head many times as I try to teach, write, read, be mom and the head of the household.  Bird by Bird is a great book for writers.  If you haven't discovered Anne's books yet, run to your nearest library, bookstore, or

I tried to think of a one word goal for each area.  Here it goes.....


The school year has been very stressful so far.  As I have been reading blogs, it seems that many teachers are feeling overwhelmed.   We are trying to learn as much as possible about the Common Core Standards and re-writing our curriculum maps.  We are planning, teaching and implementing these new standards  We are testing our students and gathering data.  Here in Ohio we are preparing for the Third Grade Guarantee by writing RIMP plans for our students who are not at grade level.  We have been having many meetings and we are preparing for the new teacher evaluation.    The list goes on.  I have been weary.  So my goal is to REFRESH.  We have been on winter break and I am hoping with this break, I can give new strength and energy to my students.  I will be posting activities tied to the Common Core Standards.


I talk to my students all the time about being voracious readers.  I certainly want to set a good example and I love to read.  I have two challenges that I am participating in.  The first one is the Historical Fiction Challenge.  I will be reading as many books in that genre as possible.  This is just for me.  Most of the books will be for adults.  I plan to post a synopsis about each book I read.  I have also linked up with Kid Lit Frenzy and am participating in the Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge.  My goal is to read at least one nonfiction picture book each week and post a blog about the book.  I also want to suggest some activities that can go with the text so that it can be used as a Mentor Text.


I am really excited to be writing.  I will be writing everyday in one form or another.  The following are writing activities that I will be working on.

Currently enrolled in the on-line class - Writing Wonderful Character Driven Picture Books
27 days Life Changing Journaling Challenge
Writing a kindness book project
12x12 by Julie Hedlund
Teacher's Write Camp by Kate Messner
Enter a couple of writing contests
Go on a writer's retreat and/or a writer's conference
 I also want to join my local SCBWI and find an in-person critique group.  

What are your goals for 2013?

"Bird by Bird"


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